2013年10月22日 星期二

Confusing Words Clarified Group G

Confusing Words Clarified Group G

A great example of confusing words
Once upon a time in the unknown past, at a dinner party in Texas, a man from South America was telling about his country and himself, concluding with "And I have a sympathetic wife but unfortunately, no children. My wife, she is unbearable."
Those who were listening greeted his statement with puzzled glances, so he tried to explain: "My wife, she is inconceivable." Noticing from the bewildered looks of the guests that this didn't clarify the matter, he finally explained with a triumphant smile: "I mean, my wife, she is impregnable."
Compiled from Humorous English by Evan Esar;
Horizon Press; New York; 1961, page 164.
Never use big words where a diminutive one will suffice.Anonymous

gaff, gaffe
gaff (GAF)
1. A metal hook or spear used by fishermen or butchers to lift and maneuver heavy objects: "The fisherman used his gaff to lift the fish from the net into the hold of the boat."
2. To fix or to set up for cheating: "The gambler was known to try to gaff when he played cards."
gaffe (GAF)
Social awkwardness or a diplomatic blunder: "She was deeply embarrassed by her spoken gaffe at the garden party."
"When the man was introduced to the young woman, he realized that he had committed an embarrassing gaffe when he didn't pronounce her name correctly."
gag, gag, gag, gag, gaga
gag (GAG)
To put something into or over a person's mouth in order to keep him or her from speaking or calling out: "The hostage had a gag put over her mouth so she couldn't yell for help."
gag (GAG)
To censor or to prevent anyone from speaking freely or expressing an opinion: "The government was trying to gag the press from revealing any more political corruptions."
gag (GAG)
To cause to choke, retch, or undergo a regurgitative spasm: "The odor in the house made her gag."
"The sausage apparently got stuck in his throat and he could only gag on it until it came out."
gag (GAG)
Something said or done to make people laugh: "The comedian had people laughing as he told one gag after the other."
gaga (GAH GAH)
1. Completely enthusiastic, excited, or infatuated about or in something or someone: "Her son is gaga about the new neighbor's daughter."
"Why are so many people so gaga about that movie?"
2. Crazy, silly, or foolish: "It has been said, that a lot of people were gaga about President Obama; especially, right after his election."
"Polaroid Goes Gaga in that Lady Gaga will be in charge of directing Polaroid creatively, and she will also be in charge of working with them on a co-branded line, a Polaroid-branded sub-brand with a Lady Gaga twist to it."
As seen in www.WebProNews.com,
"Polaroid Talks about Lady Gaga's Role with the Company" by Chris Crum;
dated, January 30, 2010.
At first, some people were gaga about the gag the comedian told in the restaurant, but it apparently caused others to gag on their food and there were those who were wishing that someone would put a gag on his 'sick' humor."
gage; gauge
gage (GAYJ)
1. Something that is given or left as security until a debt is paid or an obligation is fulfilled: "He signed a gage stating that he would repay the loan."
2. A glove or other object that is thrown down or offered as a challenge to fight: "The knight threw his glove at the feet of the other warrior as a gage to challenge him to a duel."
3. To offer something as security against a debt or other obligation: "She left a necklace as a gage that she would reimburse the expenses of the trip."
gauge and/or gage (GAYJ)
1. A measuring instrument for determining and indicating a quantity; such as, the thickness of wire or the amount of rain etc.; estimate, judge, appraise, ascertain: "Can you gauge the distance to the top of that hill?"
2. Measuring instrument, measuring device, standard, criterion: "This gauge registers the pressure in pounds."
3. Size, measurement, internal diameter, inner measurement, inner dimension: "What gauge is that cannon?"
In the sense of "measurement," gauge is the preferable spelling. With the meaning of "a pledge," gage is the correct and preferred form.
gain, gainly
gain (GAYN)
1. To come into possession or use of something; to acquire: "He strived to gain a small fortune in real estate just before the bubble burst."
2. To attain in competition or struggle; to win: "They really tried to gain a decisive victory over the opposing athletic team."
3. To obtain through effort or merit; to achieve: "She wanted to gain recognition with her volunteer work as an educational tutor."
gainly (GAYN'li)
Graceful, pleasing, shapely: "He was described as a gainly youth with dark hair and blue eyes."
The gainly youth tried to gain the girl's attention through his efforts to gain the last goal at the game.
In fact, he gained an outstanding recognition for his efforts.
gait, gate
gait (GAYT)
To amble, trot, or canter: "She watched the gait of the horse carefully."
gate (GAYT)
An entrance, exit, or passageway: "The gate opened automatically when the car came close."
The old dog’s limping gait nearly prevented him from making it into the yard before the automatic gate closed.
Ballie Cardamon
gall, Gaul
gall (GAWL)
1. A characteristic of boldness or impudence: "The boy had the gall to talk back to his grandmother."
2. Tasting bitter: "The medicine was bitter, tasting like gall."
3. Sore or irritated by rubbing: "The gall on the horse was due to the saddle not fitting properly and rubbing constantly."
4. An enlargement of plant tissue due to fungus or parasites: "The botanist observed a large gall on the tree and looked carefully for the insects which would cause it."
Gaul (GAWL)
A geographical reference to parts of Europe including present day Northern Italy, France, Belgium, parts of Switzerland, Netherlands, and Germany; often in connection with the Roman Empire: "Tacitus wrote of the conquest of Gaul at the time of the Romans."
galleon, gallon, galloon
galleon (GAL ee uhn, GAL yuhn)
A large three-masted sailing ship with a square rig and usually two or more decks, used from the 15th to the 17th century especially by Spain as a merchant ship or warship: "Several Spanish sailors were hired to sail on the new galleon."
"The galleon sailed into the harbor after a long voyage."
gallon (GAL uhn)
A unit of volume in the U.S. Customary System, used in liquid measure, equal to 4 quarts (3.785 liters): "They bought a gallon of fresh milk to take home from the local store."
galloon (guh LOON)
A narrow band of embroidery, lace, braid, or silver or gold thread, used as a trimming on clothes or upholstery: "Whenever the sisters next door go out, they have a custom of wearing clothes with galloon decorations, or trimmings, on their dresses, coats, shoes, and hats; all of which attract a great deal of attention because of their very colorful clothing styles."
The captain of the galleon, with his uniform festooned with galloons of bright silver, ordered a gallon of rum to be distributed to the crew.
galley, gallery
galley (GAWL ee)
1. The kitchen and equipment on a ship, airplane, or train: "The galley on the ship was well equipped for the chef who loved to cook."
2. In printing and publishing, a single column of type set or the initial print or proof made from the column of type set: "The editor checked the galley print for spelling and factual errors."
gallery (GAWL uh ree)
1. A room or building for the purpose of exhibiting works of art: "The gallery just off the main street was renown for its fine exhibitions of paintings."
2. A platform or construction in an auditorium to provide seating for an audience, often inexpensive seats: "The students always bought their tickets in the gallery section of the auditorium when they went to concerts."
gambit, gamut
gambit (GAM bit)
1. A maneuver or action intended to gain an advantage: "The winning chess player executed a clever gambit against his opponent."
2. A maneuver, stratagem, or ploy, especially one used at an initial stage: "The football coach outlined a new gambit to the players before the game started."
3. A remark intended to open a conversation: "As his opening gambit, he asked his new friend about the weather."
gamut (GAM uht)
The entire range or extent, as of emotions: "His face expressed a gamut of emotions, from tense anger to relaxed satisfaction."
The chess player’s expressions ran the gamut from fear to exhilaration as he pondered his gambit.
Ballie Cardamon
gamble, gambol
gamble (GAM buhl)
1. To bet on an uncertain outcome, as of a contest or to play a game of chance: "They were always trying one form of gamble after another; for example, playing poker or roulette which involved risking money, or they even bet on horse races, in the hope of winning money."
2. To take a risk in the hope of gaining an advantage or a benefit: "They took a gamble that stock prices would rise."
3. To engage in reckless or hazardous behavior: "He was warned that to gamble with his health by continuing to smoke was a risky way to live."
gambol (GAM buhl, GAM bohl)
1. To leap about playfully; to frolic: "The lambs would gambol in the field every morning."
2. To skip about, as in dancing or playing: "The little children loved to gambol in the play room."
3. Happy or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement: "The young dog was often seen to gambol with the opposite end of the leather leash that was attached to his neck."
gambling, gamboling (U.S.); gambolling (British)
gambling (GAM bling)
Playing a game that involves betting money or other valuable items: "Fortunately, her gambling was infrequent and did not involve much money."
gamboling (GAM buhl ing)
Playing in a lively manner. "In the pastoral setting, it was enchanting to watch the lambs gamboling on the hillside."
gantlet, gauntlet
gantlet (GAWNT lit, GAHNT lit)
Railroad terminology, an extent of railroad track that is characterized by the track of one section lying within the track of a second section, to highlight a switching area: "The train operator was alert to the gantlet on the tracks so the switch from one track to the other could take place safely."
gauntlet (GAWNT lit, GAHNT lit)
1. A heavy or protective glove used on industrial sites: "The steelworkers used heat resistant gauntlets during their work."
2. An ordeal, either literally or figuratively in which an individual is required to dash between foes who attempt to harm that person: "The criticism of the proposal was so severe, the new senator felt as if she had run the gauntlet and had been battered about."
gaol, jail
gaol (JAYL)
Chiefly British for jail, a building or location for confining individuals accused of unlawful behavior: "In the exciting British spy novels, the villain always goes to gaol in the end."
jail (JAYL)
A place where people are kept when they have been arrested and are being punished for a crime: "The new jail was located at the edge of town."
gap, gape
gap (GAP)
1. A break, separation, or space in the continuity of a structure: "The horses escaped through the gap in the fence."
2. A wide disparity or difference in attitudes or opinions: "The generation gap is the subject of many books and articles."
gape (GAYP, GAP)
A wide open gaze often in incredulity or wonder: "We could only gape in amazement at the performers at the circus."
gargle, gargoyle
gargle (GAHR guhl)
To rinse or to wash the throat with a liquid; a gargling sound: "She always remembered to gargle with salt water when her throat was sore."
gargoyle (GAHR goil")
A water spout, usually in the form of a grotesquely formed animal projecting from the gutter of a building: "Just about every gargoyle on the roof of Paris cathedral has been seen by numerous visitors over many years."
I can hear the rain gargle noisily through the gargoyle.
Ballie Cardamon

garret; garrote (or) garrotte
garret (GAR it)
A small space under the roof of a building; sometimes used for storage or converted into a place for human occupancy: "When Ioved to the city, I livedn a garret at the top of the winding stairs."
garrote (guh RAHT, guh ROHT")
A method of execution formerly practiced in Spain, in which a tightened iron collar was used to strangle or to break the neck of a condemned person: "The multiple murderer was executed by the Spanish authorities with a garrote which was also the criminal's method of killing others."
Be sure you know the difference between a garret and a garrote because there is definitely no similarity in their applications.
gay, gay
gay (GAY)
1. Happy and excited: "The gay and carefree children were playing in the park."
2. Very bright in color, colorful: "We were enjoying the gay colors of the spring flowers during our walk in the nearby woods."
gay (GAY)
Being attracted to someone who is of the same gender: "There are those who are striving for gay rights with the same privileges as married heterosexuals."
The use of the term gay with the meaning "happy and excited" has been superseded with another gay expression that refers to those who are "attracted to others of the same gender" instead of people of the opposite sex.
gays, gaze
gays (GAYZ)
A reference to people who have a sexual orientation to people of the same sex: "The flag that the gays like to display is designed with rainbow colors."
gaze (GAYZ)
To look steadily, intently, and with fixed attention: "Over a romantic dinner, she gazed into his eyes intensely."
The friends and families of the participants like to gaze at the gays in their outrageous costumes for the Halloween Parade in West Hollywood.
Ballie Cardamon
geek, freak
geek (GEEK)
A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept: "He admitted that his great interest in computer activities rather than socializing with people might make some people think of him as a geek."
freak (FREEK)
1. A thing, or occurrence, that is markedly unusual or irregular: "A freak of nature produced a midsummer snow storm."
2. Highly unusual or irregular: "It was a freak accident which resulted from a freak storm."
gel, jell
gel (JEL)
A colorless or slightly yellow, transparent, brittle protein formed by boiling the specially prepared skin, bones, and connective tissue of animals used in foods, drugs, and photographic film: "How many people would continue to consume gel as a desert if they knew where it came from?"
jell (JEL)
To take shape or fall into place; to crystallize: "He said that a plan of action was able to finally jell in his mind."
generic, genetic
generic (juh NER ik)
1. Relating to a whole group or class: "The term flu is sometimes used as a generic term for any illness caused by a virus."
2. Not sold or made under a particular brand name: "They are selling generic drugs at a lower price than the better known brands."
3. In biology, a class, group, or kind with common attributes; the more general class or kind in which something is included: "In the short story, the author made generic references to animals rather than to specific dogs or cats."
genetic (juh NET ik)
Relating to, or influenced by the origin or development of something: "The police used genetic material at the scene of the crime to identify the man as the culprit."
The Swedish beauty said that her daughter's generic features could not be attributed to genetic inheritance.
Ballie Cardamon
genes, jeans
genes (JEENZ)
Functional hereditary units that occupy a fixed location on a chromosome: "The doctor specialized in the study of the genes of his male patients."
jeans (JEENZ)
Pants made of jean or denim trilled cotton: "Originally designed for gold prospectors, jeans rapidly became very popular for all hard working individuals."
Have you ever heard that chromosomes have dungarees? In other words, is it possible that genes wear jeans?
genius, genus, genre
genius (JEEN yuhs)
Talent; a great mental capacity and inventive ability; especially, great and original creative ability in some art, science, etc.: "The girl showed great genius for engineering."
genus (JEE nuhs)
A class, kind, sort: "A Swedish scientist defined the genus of plants, helping to categorize the different plants."
genre (ZHAHN ruh)
A kind, or type, as of works of literature, art, etc.: "The famous author specializes in the genre of short stories."
Genius begins great works; labor alone finishes them.
Joseph Joubert
A genius is a man who shoots at something no one else can see and hits it.
Evan Esar
genteel; gentile, Gentile; gentle
genteel (jen TEEL)
Showing the good taste and refinement associated with polite society; elegant or fashionable: "Her genteel manners made her a welcome guest for any event."
gentile, Gentile (JEN tighl)
Anyone who is not of the Jewish faith or is of a non-Jewish nation: "People who are gentiles often shop on Saturday when observant Jewish people do not."
gentle (JEN t'l)
1. Suitable to polite society; that is, refined, courteous, etc.: "Her gentle voice was pleasing."
2. Not violent, harsh, or rough: "The waves on the lake were gentle and did not cause the boat to rock dangerously."
gesture, jester
gesture (JES chuhr)
Movement of body parts, arms, hands, to communicate information: "The man used a gesture to indicate in which direction we should go to catch our bus."
jester (JES tuhr)
Someone who acts in a foolish manner attempting to be witty or playful: "In medieval castles, a jester was often employed to entertain guests."
The court jester made a rude gesture that amused the king.
Ballie Cardamon
ghastly, ghostly
ghastly (GAST lee)
Terrifying, frightening, horrifying, or extremely unpleasant: "When the car windows were opened, the passengers wanted to know what the ghastly smell coming from outside was."
ghostly (GOHST lee)
1. Characterized by a shadowy, spectral appearance: "It felt as if there were a ghostly presence in the room."
2. A hint or a shadowy trace of something: "A ghostly smile flickered across his face at the discomfiture of his guests when a wail echoed through the building."
gibe, jibe, jive
gibe (JIGHB)
To taunt or to tease in a derisive manner: "The man made a gibe at the speaker which resulted in the person being led away by ushers."
jibe (JIGHB)
1. To move forcefully from one side of a position to another: "The sailors had to jibe the sails on the ship so it would changed course.
2. To be in agreement: "Your position on the issues does not seem to jibe with your earlier statements."
jive (JIGHV)
Foolish, informal, or deceptive speech; often characterized by slang: "She grew up talking street jive."
gild, guild
gild (GILD)
1. To cover with gold or gold coloring: "The jeweler was able to gild the antique necklace for her customer."
2. To give an often deceptively attractive or improved appearance to: "In order to sell his house quickly, the owner decided to gild the front door with a new coat of paint."
guild (GILD)
An association of persons of the same trade or pursuits, formed to protect mutual interests and maintain standards: "The bakers?guild met every month to determine the price of bread."
gilt, guilt
gilt (GILT)
1. Covered with a brilliant substance such as gold or artificial gold color: "The picture frames appeared to be covered with gilt making them look very expensive."
2. Having a golden color: "The hall in the building had a beautiful gilt marble surface."
guilt (GILT)
1. Feelings of responsibility for real or imagined offenses: "When the car stalled, I had such an awful feeling of guilt because the car ran out of gas."
2. Responsibility for a crime or for doing something bad or wrong: "The jury will try to determine the defendant's guilt or innocence today."
Going from gilt to guilt is now part of the global landscape of luxury purchases that is changing, and not only because of financial chaos.
Guilt is taking over from gilt because of what some say is the current economic consumer malaise.
gist, grist, jest
gist (JIST)
The essence or main point of a matter: "Her opening speech at the inquest provided the gist of the issues to be reviewed."
grist (GRIST)
1. Grain or a quantity of grain for grinding; ground grain: "The farmer delivered corn to the grist mill to become grist or corn meal."
2. Something that can be used to one's advantage: "As a writer, my friend regards her difficult childhood experiences as grist for the mill; that is, she considers such experiences as examples which she can use in her novel."
jest (JEST)
A frivolous comment made to communicate mockery rather than precise truth: "His jest about the speaker was considered to be in poor taste."
glacier, glazier
glacier (GLAY shuhr)
A large section or body of ice on a hillside or mountain that is characterized by a slow and inexorable movement downhill: "The glacier moved slowly down the mountain and pieces broke off when it got to the ocean."
glazier (GLAY zhuhr)
Someone who cuts and fits glass; such as, for doors and windows: "After the window was broken, she called the glazier to come and repair it as soon as possible."
glance, glimpse
glance (GLANS)
1. A quick, often oblique, look at something: "The actor cast a quick glance at the noisy group in the balcony."
2. To hit something and bounce off at an angle: "As the children threw the rocks, they watched them glance off the side of the wall."
glimpse (GLIMPS)
1. A brief, quick look at something: "As the train rushed through the countryside, it was difficult to get more than a glimpse of the pastoral settings."
2. To look at or to see something or someone for a very short time: "We were able to glimpse the actress as she quickly entered the hotel."
glut, gluten, glutton
glut (GLUT)
1. As a noun, too much of something or a supply of something that is much more than is needed or wanted: "There is a glut of oil on the market."
2. As a verb, to fill a thing with more of something than is needed or wanted: "Seeing the amount of food piled up on his plate, there is no doubt that he will glut himself during this meal."
gluten (GLOOT'n)
A substance in wheat and flour that holds the dough together: "The amount of gluten in the flour is an important factor in how well the bread dough will rise."
glutton (GLUT'n)
1. Someone who eats too much: "He is a glutton for ice cream and pie."
2. Someone who wants a large amount of something: "She's a glutton for gossip."
The gluten-free items in the health-food store did not appeal to the glutton who liked to glut himself with starchy treats.
Ballie Cardamon
gneiss, nice
gneiss (NIGHS)
A banded or foliated metamorphic rock, usually of the same composition as granite: "While walking in the mountains, we saw this nice gneiss which looked like a piece of granite stone."
nice (NIGHS)
1. Pleasing and agreeable in nature: "We had a nice time at the party tonight."
2. Having a pleasant or attractive appearance: "She wore a nice dress which enhanced her nice face."
gnus, news
gnus (NOOZ, NYOOZ)
Either of two large African antelopes having drooping manes and beards, long tufted tails, and curved horns in both genders: "We saw a documentary film which showed gnus trying to cross a river while crocodiles were attacking them."
news (NOOZ, NYOOZ)
Information about recent events or happenings; especially, as reported by newspapers, periodicals, radio, or television: "The latest news from Iraq was not good."
"We try to keep up with the latest news by watching and listening to it on our TV."
gobble, binge
gobble (GAHB uhl)
1. To eat or to grab in a greedy manner: "The people who came to the food kitchen were so hungry all they could do was gobble the food given to them as fast as they could."
2. To make a throaty sound that resembles the sound a male turkey makes: "The hunters tried to gobble like the wild turkey to trick them into to flying out of the trees.?/div>
binge (BINJ)
Unrestrained behaviors; such as, drinking, eating, or shopping: "When she got her paycheck, she went on a shopping binge until she spent almost all of her money."
gobbler, gobbler
gobbler (GAHB luhr)
A slang term for a male turkey: "This gobbler will be butchered and roasted; and he be on our dinner table next week."
gobbler (GAHB luhr)
Someone who swallows or eats something at an excessive rate: "He was about the worst gobbler I have ever seen at the dinner table."
goer, gore
goer (GOH uhr)
Anyone who goes to places; especially, a person who goes to a specified place frequently or regularly; often used in combination: "She was a regular beach-goer while her brother was a sports-goer."
gore (GOR, GOHR)
1. Violent images or scenes that show a great deal of blood: "We left the movie early because it showed excessive violence, gore, and profanity."
2. To cut or wound something often with a sharp instrument: "A bullfighter is always at risk that the bull will gore him."
3. A tapered or triangle shaped piece of cloth used in making skirts to create a flared effect: "Each gore in her skirt was a different color creating a rainbow effect."
goggle, google, googol
goggle (GAH guhl)
To look at something or someone with the eyes wide open in a way that shows that a person is surprised, amazed, etc.: "The huge statue caused him to goggle in amazement."
Google (GOO g'l)
The name of the search engine and software company is a deliberate variant of the mathematical term googol: "The company founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, came up with the name in 1998 by altering the spelling for trademark purposes."
googol (GOO g'l)
The term is numerically valued as: (10100) 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000: "This googol is frequently used in mathematics."
"A googol was once said to have more than the number of raindrops falling on the city in a century, or the number of grains of sand on the Coney Island beach."
golf, gulf
A recreational sport employing specially designed sticks (called clubs) and a small ball, the objective of the game being to hit the ball across a distance and into a hole in the ground: "The man enjoyed playing golf after he retired."
gulf (GUHLF)
1. A wide space or gap, often in relation to ideologies or life styles: "The gulf between generations was noted in the clothing that was worn by the adolescents."
2. An expanse of ocean that extends inland: "The gulf extended far inland, creating a harbor for many ships."
gored, gourd
gored (GOHR'd)
To cut or to wound with a sharp instrument: "Bull fighters run the risk of being gored by a bull during their contests in the ring."
gourd (GOHRD, GOORD)
1. Plants of the vine family (Cucurbitaceae) that produce vegetables; such as, cucumbers or squashes: "We decided to plant the gourds against the sunny fence in the garden."
2. Hard shelled fruit of vines (Lagenaria or Cucurbita) that, when hollowed out and dried, are used for ornaments or as containers for items: "At the market we bought several colorful gourds to use for decorating the table."
gorge, gorge
gorge (GORJ), verb
1. To stuff with food; to glut: "They were so hungry that they didn't hesitate to gorge themselves on cookies and candy."
2. To devour greedily: "These people who lived in the jungle were always seen to gorge their food as if they were afraid that someone or something would take it away from them."
gorge (GORJ), noun
1. A deep ravine, usually with a river running through it: "As we flew over the area, we could see the gorge and the river flowing in it."
2. A narrow pass; especially, one that goes between mountains: "Our train was traveling parallel to the gorge as we enjoyed the scenery."
gorilla; guerrilla, guerilla
gorilla (guh RIL uh)
An anthropoid or an ugly or brutal person: "Almost any gorilla probably has an unhappy life in a zoo as compared to a natural existence in a jungle."
guerrilla, guerilla (guh RIL uh)
Someone who engages in irregular warfare: "To be successful, a guerrilla must operate in a countryside containing many civilian sympathizers."
An ape that uses sabotage as a method of fighting is known as a guerrilla gorilla.
gourmand, gourmet
gourmand (goor MAHND, GOOR muhnd)
An individual who is exceedingly focused on food and drink: "The man could be described as a gourmand based on his habits of always eating specialized meals and wines at various restaurants."
gourmet (goor MAY, GOOR may")
An individual whose special interests are fine foods and drink: "After years of study, the woman became a gourmet cook and entertained her friends frequently."
graduate, graduate
graduate (GRAJ yoo ayt")
To be granted an academic degree or diploma: "About two thirds of the entering freshmen stayed until they were able to graduate."
graduate (GRAJ yoo ayt")
To advance to a new level of skill, achievement, or activity: "After weeks of practice, the athletes were able to graduate to higher levels of achievement."
graft, graphed
graft (GRAHFT)
1. The process of joining two branches or stems of a plant so they grow as one: "The tree surgeon was careful to graft the new twigs to the old tree."
2. Dishonest activity in which people with power use their positions and influences to get money and advantages: "Our local newspaper published information which exposed graft by city council members."
graphed (GRAHFT)
To have drawn or created, a diagram that shows the relationship or interrelationship among or between two or more concepts or things: "To illustrate her speech, the scientist graphed her findings using a Power Point presentation."
grantee, granty
grantee (gran TEE)
Someone to whom a grant is made: "He was the grantee of the scholarship."
granty (gran TEE)
Someone who accords a favor, prerogative, or privilege to another person: "She was the granty of the request to extend him more time to pay off his debt."
grate, great
grate (GRAYT)
1. To reduce to fragments, shreds, or powder by rubbing against an abrasive surface: "While the pasta boiled, I would grate the cheese for the sauce."
2. To make a harsh rasping sound by or as if by scraping or grinding: "Crickets grate their wings together to create their distinctive sounds."
3. A framework of lattice or parallel bars: "The water drain on the street was protected by a grate."
great (GRAYT)
1. Extremely large or big: "The great expanse of the forest was overwhelming to the hikers."
2. Of outstanding importance or significance: "She was a great author, famous for her short stories."
The great grate in the street was placed there because of the extreme flooding rains that often took place in that area.
What was the name of the movie where the main actor lifted a drain cover on a street and got away from those who were chasing him?
I think it was the "Grate Escape"!
grave, grave, grave
grave (GRAYV)
1. A hole in the ground for burying a dead body: "He was buried in a grave near his wife's grave."
2. Used as a reference to death: ""She took her secrets with her to the grave."
grave (GRAYV)
Requiring or causing serious thought or concern: "His carelessness could have grave consequences."
"They are placing themselves in grave danger when they sail in the Somalia piracy zone."
grave (GRAYV)
An accent mark over a letter, or letters, in certain words: "Examples of grave marks are the ?s in such French words as Sres and pe (which is used after a man's surname to distinguish a father from a son)."
The minister spoke in a grave tone, "May he rest in peace in the grave."
gray, grey
gray (GRAY)
An American spelling that refers to a color between black and white or often is like the color of smoke: "She was wearing a gray sweater which closely matched her gray eyes."
grey (GRAY)
The British-English spelling of gray which is a color that is between black and white: "We woke up to a grey morning before the sun finally appeared."
Note the emphasis above on the differences of spelling: People in America normally use gray; while the preferable spelling of grey is the English or British preference.
grease, Greece
grease (GREES)
1. A thick oily lubricant, vegetable, petroleum or animal fat based: "The auto mechanic used grease in the engine."
2. To apply an oily lubricant to a surface: "The chef had to grease the baking trays before he could bake the cookies."
Greece (GREES)
A peninsular country at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea: "We decided to go to Greece for our winter vacation."
greave, grieve
greave (GREEV)
A medieval reference to the piece of armor designed to cover the lower leg: "The greave was fastened to a knight leg with leather straps."
grieve (GREEV)
To cause distress or sorrow: "It will grieve me to tell you that your employment has been terminated."
grill, grille
grill (GRIL)
To cook using an arrangement of parallel bars over a source of heat; for example, an open fire: "We thought we would grill hamburgers tonight for dinner."
grille (GRIL)
A lattice or screen often used for ornamental purposes: "The blacksmith created a grille for the garden gate."
grip, gripe, grippe
grip (GRIP)
1. A tight hold; a firm grasp: "The drowning swimmer is now safely in the grip of a lifeguard."
2. An intellectual hold or understanding: "He had a good grip on how to operate his computer."
gripe (GRIGHP)
To complain naggingly or petulantly; to grumble: "Her constant petty complaints are beginning to gripe me."
"You could hear the students gripe that they had too much homework to do."
grippe (GRIP)
Influenza; an acute contagious viral infection characterized by inflammation of the respiratory tract and by fever, chills, muscular pain, and prostration: "There is a mild epidemic of grippe in our town."
grisly, gristly, grizzly
grisly (GRIZ lee)
1. Inspiring repugnance because of its appalling crudity or utter inhumanity; gruesome: "The grisly scene of the mine explosion was carefully documented by the photographer."
2. Anything that suggests an appearance that causes someone to shudder with horror: "We had nightmares about the grisly scene of the cars crashing into each other on the highway as a result of the sudden ice storm."
gristly (GRIS lee)
Tough cartilage, especially in meat prepared for eating: "Before grilling the steak, the cook removed the gristly parts that would be difficult to chew."
grizzly (GRIZ lee)
1. A very large and powerful bear of western North America: "The grizzly bears fish in the streams where the salmon are swimming."
2. Streaked, flecked, or intermixed with gray; having gray or graying hair: "His grizzly hair was very distinguished looking and was set off by a black felt hat."
A grisly grizzly was having trouble chewing on the gristly meat of a very old buffalo.
gristle, grizzle
gristle (GRIS uhl)
1. Cartilage, especially when present in meat: "Our dog was happy to have a bone with the gristle to chew on."
2. Tough matter in meat that is difficult to eat: "They complained that the restaurant served them cheap pieces of meat, full of gristle and fat."
grizzle (GRIZ uhl)
1. To make or to become gray: "My uncle had thinning hair and a beard which seemed to grizzle more each time I saw him."
2. To complain in a weak or annoying way: "During the winter, she would grizzle about all the snow that blocked her from being able to leave her house."
His dog didn't grizzle about having a bone to chew the gristle off; in fact, it seemed to be more excited about chewing on the gristle than eating regular dog food.
groan, grown
groan (GROHN)
A sound expressing pain, distress, or disapproval: "There was a loud groan among the workers when assignments were handed out."
grown (GROHN)
To have increased in size as a result of age: "My aunt exclaimed, 'My how you have grown!' when she saw me after several years."
guarantee, guaranty
guarantee (gahr" uhn TEE)
A pledge that something is as represented and will be replaced if it doesn't meet specifications: "The hand vacuum cleaner she bought had a three-year guarantee."
guaranty (GAHR uhn tee)
A pledge by which a person commits himself/herself to the payment of another person's debt or obligation in the event of default: "My aunt signed the guaranty with me when I borrowed money from the bank."
guessed, guest, quest
guessed (GEST)
To come to an opinion or an answer based on very little evidence: "They guessed he was very rich based on the kind of car he drove."
guest (GEST)
An individual to whom hospitality is given, either in a private home or in an institution: "We will have a guest from out of town staying with us for two weeks."
quest (KWEST)
To seek, to look for, or to search for something: "They went on a quest to find the remote gardens."
The quest of the hotel was to make visitor estimates or to have a series of guessed guest data in order to prepare for the summer season.
guise, guys
guise (GIGHZ)
1. An outward appearance; an aspect: "Her guise appeared calm despite the shattering news."
2. A mode of dress; a garb: "What guise will you wear to the masquerade ball?"
guys (GIGHZ)
1. People in general: "What are you guys doing?"
2. Ropes, cords, or cables used for steadying, guiding, or holding: "The sailors used several guys to fasten the big crate to the deck."
gulp, gulp
gulp (GUHLP), verb
1. To eat or to swallow (something) quickly or in large amounts:"His mother told him not to gulp his food so fast and his father told him not to gulp down his dinner like that."
2. To take (air) into one's lungs quickly: "The exhausted runner had to lie on the ground as he tried to gulp for air."
"The exhausted and overheated racers were gulping for air."
3. To swallow as the result of some strong emotion; such as, fear or shock: "She could only gulp nervously before beginning her oral report."
"You could hear him gulp back tears as he thanked the rescuers for saving him from the river."
gulp (GUHLP)
1. A large and hurried swallow: "He finished it in a single gulp."
2. A spasmodic reflex of the throat made as if swallowing: "She took one gulp of air after the other at the dinner table because she was choking on a piece of meat."

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